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These yoyo specific strings are made by Ryan Danielson and have been found around the yoyo community in places such as YoyoWorkshop Armament boxes.


We have been working with Ryan on getting these strings ready to be sold. Currently, we can offer yellow and white colors in Fat and Normal options.All of the strings are long-lasting and feel soft on the fingers from the first throw. This feature is great for those afraid of major string burns.



It is a thicker, longer-lasting string that works great for yoyos with wide gaps, such as our first model, the Phoenix. 
This type of string is also perfect for those learning how to perfect their binds. The thickness allows for you to knock out your long technical combos and still be able to bind at the end of it for another long sleeping throw. 


Product Stats:

Most Recent Price: $5

Production Status: Out of Stock

Next Release Date: n/a

Total Waves Released: 1


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